Twas the night

the last man

corn lord
Nov 30, 2016
Shrek's list of prime-time coolio roleplayos:

@Whilty very good friend in general but also good to work with

@Tarannus arguably best roleplayer in the community and a quality photographer.

@Blackquill martyr sd that remains a cool lad despite the amount of shit he puts up with

@Nicrobe @Jaggles @K.M @Raouldukejnr @Gino :3 all cool wi people that I dearly miss talking to, had some real quality times with these guys

@Hoovie the Apansenok quality guy who roleplays good

@Slim cool man that I enjoy talking to

@K4E tagging my son here as well for good measure
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Apr 16, 2017
i'm doing a round two.

@Zak (dont cancel anything else please) - you're honestly super-fucking talentled and im just glad to have you with us during this shit we're doing or we'd be completely fucked - honestly man even though u keep blanking my messages and keep canceling shit you're still a beast and i hope you have a great fucking time while you remain here

@Hoovie the Apansenok - i think you're the single-most talented indivdual here - literally everything you do is quality, whetehre that's some dumb meme about furry hl2rp to captivating artwork and model-reworks - honestly keep going and fuck all the bad shit that's going on to you irl keep strong my dude you're a fucking flower

@Zombine - even though a bunch of dumb shit happened that's in the past, and that you've quit source or whatever, i just want to thank you for everything you've done for /this/ community, and communities around - alongside the workshop. I don't know of many devs that would freely give out their hard-work for free, just over the promise of it being used properly and for the enjoyment of others (ptmenu) - thanks for making this sever special, man.

@rustydog - we've fell out a few times over dumb shit - granted, but you've got me in with so many good people and i've got nothing but thanks for you. cheers, man - you're a beast even though you can't aim :^)

@JoostBuis - my favorite scotsman/heroin addict - honestly thanks for sticking with me even though i always take the piss out of you and shit for spelling or whatever, you've made me enjoy hl2rp since we moved to 24 and i lost all my other characters and u took me in like a little babby and re-ignited my interest in this gamemode - cheers, man.

@Surrator - the best waifu. the good-est lad. - no matter how little you come on, or get cucked by exams and other gay shit, you'll always be like one of the best people here you're a fucking beast and i hope you can eventualyl get out of SA like you said you wanted to, gl honestly man you're a beast

there's more - too many to mention in depth because I haven't got forever, but lads such as @Chicken , @Nicrobe , @TinPan Warrior @PilotBland @Slim @skeletonman @ruble @cookiro are also fucking fine examples of sick-ass people and i literally hope all of you cunts have like the best time you can at crimbo and shit - good luck with the future and all that shit

cheers for everything, lads


Apr 26, 2016
Well, no better opportunity to do some shoutouts.

@Dan My main man, he's had to endure listening to everything from my poor jokes to legitimate moments of distress. Respect for being able to RP characters with major faults and weaknesses. He's a good man, he's a man's man.
He's the omelette man.

@WolfSyndrome It's always been great chatting about all manners of subjects with you, and I'm glad I've been able to discuss even heavy topics with you, friend. Your words of encouragement helped me make it through the last hurdles of my most lastest school assignments before holidays. I wish you can also enjoy your holiday season to your fullest.

@Saggy We may not be that close, but I'm super thankful for hearing me out recalling one rough patch and all the chatting we've had so far.

@SpookyMaki I've got to admit, the most fun I've had with citizenRP on Emma was with you (sorry Wafflet). I was sad to hear you had been going through some bad stuff while I was unaware of it, but I wish you can manage.

Man, why do so many of these shoutouts have sombre undertones. Eesh, this is a season of giving, not grieving amirite? Such a poor joke it doesn't even deserve a rimshot.

@Greenman Again, not someone I frequently talk to (especially since he's cleaned up his friendslist, lel), but it was alleviating to be able to talk about some heavy stuff while still keeping your calm.

@Hoovie the Apansenok Your art and memes are always on point, and I have mad respect for you being able to deliver even under the stress of your life pushing you. Stay strong, stay sane, and keep on memeing! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm all ears.

@Blackquill I can't imagine many people being able to hold a position such as yours and not either have a permanent breakdown or go full-on nutjob (because even the public affairs of community management can end up sour, and I can't fathom how bad it can be in private). You're the best around good sir, and I hope nothing's ever gonna keep you down.

And lastly but not leastly;
@everyone who had to suffer my "unity and duty" wordplay-joke (many of the victims were abovementioned) while I did that via Steam. Y'know, alongside all the other horrendous puns I've made up to this point. It's chronic, I'm afraid.

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Big mean combine machine.
Jan 9, 2017
Right well, don't really need the games but I feel like I should post anyway.

Maki's list of degenerates. Here we go:

@Flippy If it wasn't obvious he would be onna the first I mention then obviously noone knows how much of an idiot I can be. Flippy has honestly pulled my ass through thick and thin. Even at the start back in C8 when I was a blind roleplayer who knew dick all, he was one of the first people I met and had provided RebelRoleplay that I honestly miss.

@Kurumi Nya Now I of course had to mention them too, given that with their help, decent roleplay and generally good vibes I wouldn't have ended up with this cancerous tumor Id like to call my addiction to Nebulous. Yet again being one of the first few people I met on C8 they honestly helped root a love for HL2RP and spurred me on through some jank moments of unneeded stress.

@Powley @harry & CO. Now of course I have to drop the fact that I never really got on /too/ friendly with you two. But whilst IC my char disliked yours, and OOC I had my opinions on what you guys had been doing.. I do have to mention that I honestly think you've been trying your asses off to get shit done and improve things for the community. Be it the honestly unending list of posts from Powley, the IC pressure and powerhouse that Harry holds or the reforms forged from good intentions.. in the end Rebel-Roleplay and such would be in one heck of a worse off state without you. And no matter how much I may question your shit, you both are some of the most capable roleplayers. And yet again helped root my addiction to this trash.

@Atle @Poopsie Whilst you two may not be around to see this, I've still gotta pimp you out. No matter how much people see W.I as a trash faction or unfitting, from the inside its actually one of the most relaxing faction's i've ever had the chance of helping with. The most relax on the OOC rules too. Thus resulting in some brilliant roleplay and being the birthplace of one of my favourite characters. I'm probably not gonna forget getting poked on steam by random to find Poopsie askin me if I wanted to make an event character. That shit was honestly great and spurred the creation of a char I'd probably never consider myself playing.

@Hoovie the Apansenok Cant forget this guy, whilst most people seem to already be pimping him out I of course have to mention them in some regards. Hell their support oocly has helped me handle a few private ventures in peace and helped me improve my honestly still trashy posing skills. Alongside that they are a pretty damn good roleplayer that I honestly miss playing with. Would love to see you be more active.

@Tarannus @Tinbe Stuffing you two in the same stocking.. why? Because honestly you both have provided alot of fucking brilliant roleplay for my union sided characters. And whilst I may not interact too much nowadays I certainly think that without @Tinbe my loyalist would be dead in the water.. and without @Tarannus those late night binges just wouldn't be fun without your chars waddling around.

Of course, gotta consider some general ones as 5AM me probably isn't super aware of ALL the names they should put up.

@staff Now lets be fair whilst my record is clean, I'm probably still a thorn in your sides. Yeah, I can get a bit heated at times and at others I can be a needy bitch nagging over !help to get a lil help nuking a room of its props or something along those matters.. I still appreciate the work that you guys do, even if I don't agree with all of you and I certainly don't like some from the past rosters.

@W.I Like stated when directed to Atle and Poopsie, this faction is honestly one of the most relaxed factions I've had the pleasure of being part of. Birthed one of my favourite chars and will continue to develop.. now of course at times W.I has been completly cringy and pointless such as the shoebox escapades of i17... but its kept its charms throughout, offering great passive and a little fantasy-tech and psuedoscience stroking for those in need. Keeping it on a leash seems hard but its worth helping filter between the silly projects and the genuinely decent ones.

And finally, it would'nt be chrimbus without a little controversial choice.

@SpinE Yeah whats up. Obviously we used to be good friends, and fuck I even got CP because of your nagging. Whilst our past was fun it did slowly get a little over-bearing and such so yeah I had to back out from shit. Obviously you didn't take to well to that and to be fair that's fine. But honestly I'd say its time we stopped holding our grudges or whatever and got back to being civil. Yeah I hear plenty about your attitude and the OOC nonsense that this has dragged up but to be fair I'd say there's no need for it. Lets just cut the ribbon on a new year yeah? And perhaps just ignore eachother instead of having scuffles now and then.


aussie turk
May 24, 2016
@James even though we make fun of you, we honestly appreciate you with @Spitfire for being a good friend for 3 years and going through shit CSGO and SMITE games with us. I wish you good luck on your ice hockey and engineering adventure, and I know you'll go great places buddy
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Slap Nut Cola

Nov 4, 2016
@Slap Nut Cola


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literally the most irrelevant operator
Apr 30, 2016
@Dan and @Isuckatgaming thank you both for mentioning me, you are both solid fellas. happy holidays and merry christmas to you two becayse you are some good friends

@Bronn thanks for being a good friend since the beginning of neb, you are a good person and i know that i can talk to you about any subject

also @Redneck my main man. ik that we cant talk much these days mainly because i am not active as i was in the past. you have been with me through a lot of shit and helped me defeat depression and always supported me while i wanted to do stuff and put up with my nagging. merry christmas to you polish space crusader, you are one in a million.

@Medic for being the best greek person that lives in Turkey

@Cow merry christmas to you too for being a good friend, i know that you are still going through some serious shit but we havent talked in ages. i hope you make through it because you have been a great friend to me here, happy holidays.

@Shadow Flex i still cant tell if you like me or if you are being sarcastic and actually yiu despise my guts. but you are a good friend and a good person to banter with, happy holidays bulgarian man.

@Dream merry christmas to you too mate, you are a good lerson and a friend that i still talk to occasionally and i knew you for a good time now. hope the new year brings more to the table for you.

@Pumpkin genuinely, i always wandered. Do you ever sleep? everytime day or night you are on server dutchman and i dont think you even get proper sleep, but that aside you are a solid lad and a mate and i appreciate that, happy holidays and get some sleep dude

@Sir Goatson we havent talked in quite some time for real did we? it is probably because of my horrific sleep schedule and a bit of busy life these days but i didnt forget how much of a good friend you are, and i am very glad that you have improved as a person over the last year and got over your troubles and became a better person. best wishes and merry christmas goat

@Essence hey bro how are you. its been ages but i still wanted to include you in this because you are a good guy who helped me and a solid writer. we never got to finish Lux Invicta but i believe that somesay, we will. We didnt talk in sime time, but i hope you are doing jolly. merry christmas bro.

@shibe hey look another dutchman! my csgo partner and a solid dude to have around, i hope you are doing good and have a fabulous christmas.

@axid axiD, my man. one of the first friends i had in the new community, you always knew how to do shit better than me, you shot better, you knew the codes better and you were more reasonable than i ever was, but i appreciated that you helped me and you always inspired me. i know you are gping through some dumbass bullshit but you know, it is very dumb and its going to pass, i hope you have a good christmas axid your friendly cockroach is always supporting you.

@Zomba you are a good dude even if most people claim otherwise, you dont take things serious, but that is a good thing. i always had fun while i was with you and it was a BLAST trolling other HL2RP servers with you. lets do it again in the new years, merry christmas zomba, dont get shot.
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May 15, 2016
@Sir Goatson we havent talked in quite some time for real did we? it is probably because of my horrific sleep schedule and a bit of busy life these days but i didnt forget how much of a good friend you are, and i am very glad that you have improved as a person over the last year and got over your troubles and became a better person. best wishes and merry christmas goat
We gotta catch up when I fucking see you not asleep
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Apr 30, 2016
@Stalker for being the biggest DUMG that has grown to be one of my Best Friends since I've started playing hl2rp, a cool dude who bullies me daily :C. Also a trap -w-

@Samurai old ww3rp SA gone Hl2 man, known him for a while and it's always nice to have a good debate over little details and anime every so often
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