Twas the night


event guy
Apr 26, 2016
@Jaydawg is the man who has made almost all of my quest series stuff possible, he is the master of building who i rely on each time i make events, literally struggle to do events without his oversight
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Feb 4, 2017
herr are some people from which i think they deserve it from my pov due to how much i personally like them, how much goodness they themselve hav, how much i think they are valuable to the community and if theyd appreciate it ofc since some dont need or want free stuff

A very very cool guy
Hes not loving himself, like, not in a selfdestructive way but hes more selfless and so fun orientated
Its just grrat having him around and i want to thank you for being the guy you are

a duder who genuinly loves people in an almost idealistic way
A kind heart who deserves some love in return truly
Thank you for always asking me how im doing, being cheerful and sharing compassion for moments which are not so great aswell
Odin bless you

@char @Roosebud
these two do so much for out community
its a given that people in a leading role in our community should make good decisions sure
But we should still appreciate it
They are the kind of people who would admit having done smt retarded if they did smt redarded and thats a trait not evreyone has unfortunatly
Praise where praide is to give

Underrated, just tooo fucking underrated in my opinion

Same as above tbh
A often overlooked /gem/

@Inquisitor Horus
If he starts smt he finishes it
I dont know him too much
But that i definitly know him and i respect that trait so very much due to personal reasons

Hes fucking awesome and if you thinkbotherwise than ur simply wrong in my opinion

He helped me in the past

All of them
I firmly believe they deserve my goodwill

I cant type anymore
I wouldve typed more but my time id short
Im arriving just now at the airport
Il be doing some deep recon in slavia during xmas lol
Idk if ill be able to come on during that time
So i took the chance to write this quickly
Im feeling nausated cause i was being driven
Sry if i forgot smone

Merry christmas to you all

Yours sincerely


Apr 26, 2016
seems like 50% of people need to redeem themself to purp, you guys sure are bullies


Old man roleplayer
Apr 26, 2016
herr are some people from which i think they deserve it from my pov due to how much i personally like them, how much goodness they themselve hav, how much i think they are valuable to the community and if theyd appreciate it ofc since some dont need or want free stuff

A very very cool guy
Hes not loving himself, like, not in a selfdestructive way but hes more selfless and so fun orientated
Its just grrat having him around and i want to thank you for being the guy you are

a duder who genuinly loves people in an almost idealistic way
A kind heart who deserves some love in return truly
Thank you for always asking me how im doing, being cheerful and sharing compassion for moments which are not so great aswell
Odin bless you

@char @Roosebud
these two do so much for out community
its a given that people in a leading role in our community should make good decisions sure
But we should still appreciate it
They are the kind of people who would admit having done smt retarded if they did smt redarded and thats a trait not evreyone has unfortunatly
Praise where praide is to give

Underrated, just tooo fucking underrated in my opinion

Same as above tbh
A often overlooked /gem/

@Inquisitor Horus
If he starts smt he finishes it
I dont know him too much
But that i definitly know him and i respect that trait so very much due to personal reasons

Hes fucking awesome and if you thinkbotherwise than ur simply wrong in my opinion

He helped me in the past

All of them
I firmly believe they deserve my goodwill

I cant type anymore
I wouldve typed more but my time id short
Im arriving just now at the airport
Il be doing some deep recon in slavia during xmas lol
Idk if ill be able to come on during that time
So i took the chance to write this quickly
Im feeling nausated cause i was being driven
Sry if i forgot smone

Merry christmas to you all

Yours sincerely
No your the gem


Aug 1, 2017
@Wash You are a very lovely gamer guy. Thank you for being nice to me over /pm while I was on the hl2rp server <3.

Thanks, we have our differences, but well, working with you on CWU was a fun experience, and liked it.

@Dallas Just saying we may have our disagreements, and at first, I might've not been the kindest person, but I'd like to apologize for that, and hope that this new year gets us on a new ground of friendship.


Apr 26, 2016
i constantly belittle you and talk poorly about how your mothers a whore, but it is all jokes and i really think you're a good friend and smart man @Dallas :) happy crimbo
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the very best rp man on planet earth
Apr 26, 2016
@STUCK IN A CAKE Thank you for very quickly becoming what is essentially my "best friend" on the interwebs, having known you for only two years you've quickly shown yourself to be a nice guy and have been there for me when I've needed you so, thank you!
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A kidney-sized tumor.
Aug 6, 2016
@Linntrix despite being a major queer you're still a good amigo to have around even if you think I wear a helmet and drool everywhere...
[doublepost=1514080334][/doublepost]@Stalker I love you too my son <3
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internet therapist
May 5, 2016
I honestly can't just pick one person so I'm gonna tag a few different people, plus I get to tell some of my friends how cool they are and get a chance to get a game? fucking golden.

Hey, despite not having a fully deep friendship throughout the two years I've known you, I know you've always had my back. You listen to me when I'm in a tough time, and it truly feels like you care about my wellbeing, and the wellbeing of others. You're a funny in the best ways, and you really know how to make someone laugh. I'm actually really happy you came back to HL2RP, because I like having you around! I'm happy we're friends, S H I T - T I E R T R A P .

Yeah, I know you're banned at the time of me writing this, but I still really want to mention you in this. I've known you since Lemonpunch, even though I only played there for a week. You were one of the first people to welcome me to both Nebulous AND LP, and I feel like that says something about just how friendly and caring you are. When we met again here, I had a feeling we'd be good friends from that point on, and I was right. We stick together, and you've never turned your back on me, and that means a great deal to me.

You've been with me even when I was gone for months, and didn't miss a beat in talking to me again when I came back. I cannot emphasise enough how much of a good friend you are to me, and I'm extremely happy we're still friends. Thank you for everything, big aussie man.

I'm honestly nervous to put you on here, because I really don't want it to seem like I'm sucking your dick, but I'm going to anyway. Man, your understanding in everything I've told you these past couple years is at a level where very few people can get to. You gave me another chance even when I ruined my trust with you, and that is something I never expected, and something that I hold really close to my heart. You're not just an SD to me, my boss, or a Head of Staff; you're a good friend, seriously. If you ever need anything or just need to talk, you can message me anytime. I'm here for you.

For anyone who has known me for a while, you probably expected this one. Classy, you're one of my best fucking friends on the internet, and honestly, in general. I've known you for about three years, and each and every year with you has been fantastic. You met me when I really started to get into roleplay, and when I roleplayed on a fucking CombineControl server, and stuck with me. You introduced me to Nebulous, gave me the opportunity to make some really good friends - which I did - and trusted me with all of your plans for our roleplay together, and your character.

You trusted me, and I definitely trusted you. Anyone on-looking could probably mistake us for real-life friends, but we've never even been close in distance to eachother. We made absolutely insane plotlines on the server, and shared character-development together that some writers can only dream of. You introduced me to The Protomen, along with a variety of other interests. You mean a lot to me as a friend, and have always cared for me back. I hope you come back here soon, but if you don't, you know I'll be really good friends with you anyway.

E: Also, I wanted to add so many more of my friends on here, but it's pretty late, and I also didn't want to have a super massive text-wall.
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Some of the time takes pictures
May 19, 2016
So there are a few people in the community who I want to thank for everything over the past year. And by year, I mean over the last 12 full months. They've been existentially rough, but also seen a fair portion of light. Anyone who's lurked around my profile has seen a fairly raw, emotional, side that I usually keep in check one way or another.

With the loss of my position in the Park Service, this was one of the few places keeping me anchored - and I mean that advisedly. My weepier stuff from earlier in the year does induce a healthy amount of cringe, but I received a legitimate amount of help from all of you. It's better than the alternative ways I used to cope: either by bottling up my emotions or attempting to deaden them in one form or another with distractions. As someone who's intervened and emotionally supported people in distress, I want to thank everyone in Neb who has reached out and helped. Even a comment or two to walk someone back from the cliff can be physically draining, but there were plenty of you who stuck around.

This is but a small portion of the veritable galaxy of people who I'm grateful for in this giving time of year.

@Atle and @Poopsie - Thank you for all of your support as faction leaders in Willard Industries. When things were at their worst for me, HL2RP was really the go-to for an outlet where I could feel appreciated for the efforts I put into the whitelist. I could log into the server and feel like I was making a difference. That I was capable of basic competence - something which I had a lot of self-doubts about for the lion's share of the year.

@Shrek, @Jaggles, @K.M, @Nicrobe, @Gino :3 - Getting to know you - first through HL2RP and then as people - I really do think of you as friends. When things got rough with WI, and the community caught scent of the blood that was our wounded faction, all of you stepped up to the plate to turn things around. You guys were really instrumental in saving an outlet I felt most comfortable.

@Raouldukejnr - See all of the comments above, and I'd like to add the following addendum. You've been so tolerant about me waxing on and on about American nuclear testing between 1945 and 1963 that I'd like to buy you a gift. It's an older movie, and it's narrated by William Shatner, but if you'd like the DVD to this, I'd be happy to buy it for you as a Christmas present.

@Elizabeth, @Fireman Dan, @Killstar, @Agitha, @Zach, @Ethereal Guy and @Subeh (requiescat in pace) - The night crew regulars when the server would drop down to less than ten people. I've had more fun crafting up, and playing along with, storylines of your making when there's no one else around. Every night I had the chance to sit down and interact with you, I knew it was going to be worth the reams of text that would inevitably follow.

@MaXenzie and @Blackquill - Your comments on of my status updates were insightful, absolutely necessary, and actually convinced me to act productively to address my issues. Because of your observations, I actually took a step back and called a professional to work through my emotional problems. Your outreach saved a lot of very unproductive cycles in my frustratingly predictable depressive episode progressions. That is to say nothing about your constant support of my photography. Speaking of...

@Lemon Cuntcake - I've always had a strange relationship with art. Your shout-out on the Art of the Week made me cry. I felt like I could say that my photographic work had merit - something I, on my own, can never muster the ego to say. Why I think this is a bit complicated, but as a good Historian I'll try to provide some clear context.

It goes back to my family, who I've come to realize (with very few exceptions) are not sincere people. They have a very public face, then criticize people viciously behind my back. I've always had sneaking suspicions that they were the same about me, but never had any validation of my beliefs until a couple years ago when talking to my sister and brother-in-law. Over a fair amount of whiskey, I learned that my parents thought my photography, and my degree, were wastes of time and that I was essentially not trying hard enough to get a job with the Park Service. Since then, I've taken every compliment they've given me as - more or less - a bald-faced lie.

Everything I've done for creative purposes - be it photography, poetry, prose, et al. - I've felt as though it's not validated unless it gains the approval of a person who does not need to have that layer of polite artifice. You, Max, Jaggles, and BQ are those people.

And last, but most certainly not least:

Everything I've said about everyone else applies to you as well. And honestly? I consider it a privilege that you consider anything of mine even remotely good given your considerable output of spectacular art and impressive character designs. As I toil in obscurity, you have been a constant, encouraging, voice to my writing. Knowing that people like you read it answers one of the biggest questions I have every time I post: "Is what I'm doing worthwhile to anyone outside of me?". Because of you, that answer is a hell of a lot less ambiguous.

I consider myself grateful that, compared to last year, this is a far merrier Christmas. And it's a far merrier Christmas because of you.

Bless you all, this Christmas time,

Last edited:


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
So there are a few people in the community who I want to thank for everything over the past year. And by year, I mean over the last 12 full months. They've been existentially rough, but also seen a fair portion of light. Anyone who's lurked around my profile has seen a fairly raw, emotional, side that I usually kept in check one way or another.

With the loss of my position in the Park Service, this was one of the few places keeping me anchored - and I mean that advisedly. My weepier stuff from earlier in the year does induce a healthy amount of cringe, but I received a legitimate amount of help from all of you. It's better than the alternative ways I used to cope: either by bottling up my emotions or attempting to deaden them in one form or another with distractions. As someone who's intervened and emotionally supported people in distress, I want to thank everyone in Neb who has reached out and helped. Even a comment or two to walk someone back from the cliff can be physically draining, but there were plenty of you who stuck around.

This is but a small portion of the veritable galaxy of people who I'm grateful for in this giving time of year.

@Atle and @Poopsie - Thank you for all of your support as faction leaders in Willard Industries. When things were at their worst for me, HL2RP was really the go-to for an outlet where I could feel appreciated for the efforts I put into the whitelist. I could log into the server and feel like I was making a difference. That I was capable of basic competence - something which I had a lot of self-doubts about for the lion's share of the year.

@Shrek, @Jaggles, @K.M, @Nicrobe, @Gino :3 - Getting to know you - first through HL2RP and then as people - I really do think of you as friends. When things got rough with WI, and the community caught scent of the blood that was our wounded faction, all of you stepped up to the plate to turn things around. You guys were really instrumental in saving an outlet I felt most comfortable.

@Raouldukejnr - See all of the comments above, and I'd like to add the following addendum. You've been so tolerant about me waxing on and on about American nuclear testing between 1945 and 1963 that I'd like to buy you a gift. It's an older movie, and it's narrated by William Shatner, but if you'd like the DVD to this, I'd be happy to buy it for you as a Christmas present.

@Elizabeth, @Fireman Dan, @Killstar, @Agitha, @Zach and @Subeh (requiescat in pace) - The night crew regulars when the server would drop down to less than ten people. I've had more fun crafting and playing along with storylines of your making when there's no one else around. Every night I had the chance to sit down and interact with you, I knew it was going to be worth the reams of text that would inevitably follow.

@MaXenzie and @Blackquill - Your comments on of my status updates were insightful, absolutely necessary, and actually convinced me to act productively to address my issues. Because of your observations, I actually took a step back and called a professional to work through my emotional problems. Your outreach saved a lot of very unproductive cycles in my frustratingly predictable depressive episode progressions. That is to say nothing about your constant support of my photography. Speaking of...

@Lemon Cuntcake - I've always had a strange relationship with art. Your shout-out on the Art of the Week made me cry. I felt like I could say that my photographic work had merit - something I, on my own, can never muster the ego to say. Why I think this is a bit complicated, but as a good Historian I'll try to provide some clear context.

It goes back to my family, who I've come to realize (with very few exceptions) are not sincere people. They have a very public face, then criticize people viciously behind my back. I've always had sneaking suspicions that they were the same about me, but never had any validation of my beliefs until a couple years ago when talking to my sister and brother-in-law. Over a fair amount of whiskey, I learned that my parents thought my photography, and my degree, were wastes of time and that I was essentially not trying hard enough to get a job with the Park Service. Since then, I've taken every compliment they've given me as - more or less - a bald-faced lie.

Everything I've done for creative purposes - be it photography, poetry, prose, et al. - I've felt as though it's not validated unless it gains the approval of a person who does not need to have that layer of polite artifice. You, Max, Jaggles, and BQ are those people.

And last, but most certainly not least:

Everything I've said about everyone else applies to you as well. And honestly? I consider it a privilege that you consider anything of mine even remotely good given your considerable output of spectacular art and impressive character designs. Toiling in obscurity, you have been a constant, encouraging, voice to my writing. Knowing that people like you read it answers one of the biggest questions I have every time I post: "Is what I'm doing worthwhile to anyone outside of me?". Because of you, that answer is a hell of a lot less ambiguous.

I consider myself grateful that, compared to last year, this is a far merrier Christmas. And it's a far merrier Christmas because of you.

Bless you all, this Christmas time,


its people like this that make me stay at nebulous
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the creature
Apr 26, 2016
@Joshua Hood youre irrelevant to 95% of the community but youre always special to me

@Killstar is my fucking man

@Twar berates me regularly and on a personal level but my stockholm is strong enough i can let it slide

my favorite swedes are @Tinbe @Greenman @Evie

i used to think @Saggy was american but i forgive and respect him more knowing that hes not

@Pumpkin is the only staff member who does anything for me and i dont use !help anymore

@Berke @Poopsie and @Ethereal Guy were really dope and i miss them being active

happy christmas